
Your donation will support our programs fighting child hunger in our community. We are completely funded from our community and 100% filters directly back into our community. Your donation is tax deductible.

Whether your donation jingles or folds, it has a lasting impact on our community. We thank you for your support!


Did you know?

$3.25 can feed one child for a week

$5 provides a hygiene kit for a child

$13 feeds one child for a month

$130 feeds one child for an entire school year

$250 per month provides over 1,100 snacks to one local school

$1,500 provides snacks to all 6 local area schools for a month

$1,600 provides food for all students on our program for a week

Prefer to mail a check? Our mailing address is:

8668 Navarre Parkway #225 Navarre, FL 32566