Available Programs
weekend food program
Each week of the school year countless children on the free and reduced school lunch program go home and aren’t sure if they will eat that weekend. It is hard to imagine in our great and proud community that kids go hungry.
Snack Program
Snacks are provided to assist teachers who were providing snacks to students out of their own personal pockets. The snack program expanded to cover 5 of our 6 local schools and now delivers 1,250 prepackaged snacks per month to each school.
personal finance
Students will learn everything from balancing a checkbook, to creating a budget, entrepreneurship and college/career planning, debt/credit and protecting your identity, and even marketing, investing, insurance and time planning!
Hygiene Kits
Hygiene kits address personal hygiene issues in the student families. The kits consist of a toothbrush, full sized toothpaste, a full-size shampoo and a large bar of soap. All middle and high school hygiene kits include a large deodorant as well.
When Covid 19 closed schools and businesses, leaving our community and others across our nation in disarray, Outreach Navarre pivoted to step into action.

About Us
Outreach Navarre, Inc. was founded in August 2015 when two local moms joined forces to help combat student hunger over the weekends in Navarre. After visiting a program which was servicing several of the south end schools in Gulf Breeze.
Within a few months, five of the six Navarre area schools had signed up for assistance. The 501c3 organization opened in Navarre at the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year and began serving all 6 local area schools providing meals currently to over 470 local students on a weekly basis throughout the 38-week school year. We accomplish this task through community donations which are solely used to purchase food and through community volunteers who generously donate their time each week to help with bagging our menu. No one is paid within our organization and we use donated spaces for both storage of our resources and for weekly events.
We operate under the Love Your Neighbor mission, and we look forward to more successful outcomes helping our neighbors. Together we can continue to make a difference in OUR community.
Get Involved
Every hand that helps and every dollar donated benefits the mission directly.
We appreciate your consideration!
Help to empower local students to look beyond limiting circumstances and levels the foundation for every student through our innovative programs. Help shape the next generation of our community!
Your donation will support our programs fighting child hunger in our community. Whether your donation jingles or folds, it has a lasting impact on our community. We thank you for your support!
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization and aid our in the day-to-day operations of our 100% volunteer led organization. While we do have individuals that prefer to concentrate on one specific area (i.e. bagging, fundraising), the majority of our volunteers are multifaceted.

Our Milestones
Two local moms joined forces, and worked through a local church to help combat student hunger over the weekends in Navarre. Serving 6 local area schools providing meals currently to over 470 local students on a weekly basis throughout the 38-week school year. Addition to meals provided weekly, hygiene kits are provided to the schools to help alleviate personal hygiene issues in the student families.
Move operation from the local church and into a more visible & public place to encourage more more community involvement. The 501c3 organization opened in Navarre at the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year and began serving all 6 local area schools providing meals currently to over 470 local students on a weekly basis throughout the 38-week school year.
Snack Program Expanded
Additional snacks began being provided to the middle and high schools to assist teachers who were providing snacks to students out of their own personal pockets. In 2018, the snack program expanded to cover 5 of our 6 local schools and now delivers 1,150 prepackaged snacks per month to each school.
Launched Teaching Mission
Students will be learning everything from balancing a checkbook, to creating a budget, entrepreneurship and college/career planning, debt/credit and protecting your identity, and even marketing, investing, insurance and time planning!
High School Curriculum
With a grant from Rotary Club of Navarre we expanded our financial curriculum into Navarre High School for all 12th graders. This foundational program assists all Seniors with a deeper look at their future including careers, taxes, consumer awareness and life after high school.
Covid Relief Program
Covid wreaked havoc across the world leading to the inception of our 5th program, Covid relief for families impacted by job loss. This programs grant from United Way of West Florida and funded by Gulf Power aided countless local families by alleviating the stress of food insecurity as they navigated these unforeseen challenges.
Grateful for our volunteers!
Words From Volunteers
My name is Aidan, and I am 15. For my 8th grade service project last year, I volunteered each week at the Navarre Weekend Food Program. I helped count and load food supplies at the warehouse to be distributed to children who are signed up for the Weekend Food Program. The Navarre Weekend Food Program gives out food, juice, and snacks to students who need it. These students need the food so they will have enough to eat over the weekend when they are not in school. Michelle Abrams, who runs the program, was so nice to me and gave me responsibilities at the warehouse even though I am a different style learner. She was patient with me and watched me work so she could understand my learning disabilities. She was my biggest cheerleader and was always telling me how awesome I am and that I can do it! Michelle really cares about the students. A lot of grownups say they care about the students but Michelle showed me that she really means it. She was so kind and funny. All of the volunteers at the warehouse were also funny and made me laugh even though we were working hard. After we loaded the van and sweated each week, my Mom would take me to Culver’s for a treat. I found out about the Weekend Food Program because my Mom knew of the Program and told me about how it helped kids at my school and other schools in our area. I couldn’t believe when my Mom told me how many kids in Navarre would go hungry without this program. My Mom and Dad both grew up very poor and went on to graduate from college, so they are always telling me to be thankful for what our family has and to share it. You never know what the children who need a little help may grow up to do in the future. They may become President one day, or start their own program like the Weekend Food Program to help others. It’s important to me that my 8th grade service project helped people and it also helped me practice to have a job one day, and volunteering for Michelle’s team at The Weekend Food Program helped me do both.